Stefano Valenti

Stefano Valenti was born in 1964 in Valtellina and lives in Milan. He has written two novels published by Feltrinelli: La fabbrica del panico (winner of the Premio Campiello Opera Prima 2014, Premio Volponi Opera Prima 2014 and Premio Bergamo 2015) and Rosso nella notte bianca. His latest book is Cronache della sesta estinzione (Il Saggiatore, 2023). He has translated a number of works of fiction and non-fiction, including Street Life by Joseph Mitchell for Adelphi, The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner for Ponte alle Grazie, Germinale by Émile Zola and Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours by Jules Verne for “Classici Feltrinelli”. He works for the Mohole and Belleville writing schools.

Stefano Valenti

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