MalaTesta Literary Agency has chosen to represent only Italian authors: we coordinate their projects on publishing markets around the world, selling translation rights as well as film, television and audio adaptation rights. Books by the authors represented by MalaTesta Literary Agency have won prestigious honours and prizes in Italy and abroad, including the Premio Strega, Premio Campiello, Premio Strega Giovani, Premio Campiello Opera Prima, Premio Bancarella, Premio Scerbanenco, Prix Médicis étranger, Premio DeA Planeta, Premio Mondello and Premio Vittorini.
Monica Malatesta
Monica was born in Padua, where she studied with Cesare De Michelis. She now lives in Milan. She has been working as a literary agent for over fifteen years, after studying for a Master's Degree in Publishing at the Fondazione Mondadori, with which she now collaborates. In 2013, she established MalaTesta Lit. Ag. with Simone Marchi.
Simone Marchi
Born in Siena in 1982, Simone lives between Milan and Rome. He is a literary agent, specialised in the sale of film, television and audio rights. He collaborates with the Master in Series Development, promoted by the Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti in partnership with Netflix. In 2013, he established MalaTesta Lit. Ag. with Monica Malatesta.
Our collaborators
Renata Petrusheva
Foreign rights agent
Born in Veles (Macedonia) in 1982, Renata studied Italian and Serbian Languages and Literatures at the University of Skopje, and English and Russian Languages and Literatures in Milan, where she now lives. She has worked both in Italy and in Macedonia as a translator, interpreter and teacher. Since 2018 she has been working with MalaTesta Lit. Ag., handling fairs, translations and foreign rights.
Claudio Ripamonti
Rights agent
Born in Merate in 1994, Claudio lives in Milan. He graduated in Political Science and discovered the world of literary agencies during his Master's Degree in Publishing at the Fondazione Mondadori in Milan. Since 2018 he has been working with MalaTesta Lit. Ag., where he handles contracts and administration. He follows also audiobook and podcast production.
Lisa Personeni
Born in Bergamo in 1998, she lives in Milan. She graduated in Modern Literature at the Statale di Milano and she attended the Master in Series Development promoted by Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti and Netflix. She worked for two years as a story editor for Publispei. Since 2023, she has been working with MalaTesta Lit. Ag.
Giulia Annecca
Born in 1996 and raised in Matera, she moved to Milan where she graduated in Modern Literature. In 2022 she attended the Master in Publishing at the Fondazione Mondadori. She handles scouting and manuscripts evaluation for NNEditore and for London Literary Scouting. Since 2023, she has been working with MalaTesta Lit. Ag.
Art direction: Davide Di Gennaro of Tomo Tomo
Legal advice: lawyer Alessandro Cassigoli
Translations: Lise Caillat, Ruth Clarke
IT support: Filippo Petrecca from Digital Distillery and Alekos.net