Luigi Farrauto
Luigi Farrauto (Milan, 1981) has a PhD in Design and is a cartographer. Always passionate about geography and the Middle East, he first published Senza passare per Baghdad (Voland, 2011). Since 2013, he has been a Lonely Planet's author, for which has written several guides (including Milano, Beirut, Albania, Belgrado, Napoli e Pompei) and Guida per salvarsi la vita viaggiando (2016). His latest book is Geografia di un viaggiatore pavido (Laterza, 2023). He has collaborated with Mondadori writing some chapters of geography textbooks for secondary school. He was a visiting researcher at MIT in Boston and lecturer at various Italian universities. He lived in Porto, Amsterdam and Doha. Today he is based in Milan, where he has opened a design studio specialized in cartography and wayfinding. In his spare time, he studies Arabic and Chinese.

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