Luca Ricci

Luca Ricci was born in Pisa in 1974 and lives in Rome. He has written short stories and novels which have been translated into many languanges. His latest work is Gotico Rosa (La Nave di Teseo, 2024). L’amore e altre forme d’odio (Einaudi, 2006; later La nave di Teseo, 2020) won the Premio Chiara.  He published a quadrilogy composed of I primaverili, Gli autunnali, Gli estivi and Gli invernali and published by La nave di Teseo. He writes for the cultural pages of “Corriere della Sera” and “Il Messaggero” and the advice column of “IL” (issued with “Il Sole 24 ORE”). He teaches writing courses at Scuola Holden. 

Luca Ricci
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