Giacomo Pellizzari

Giacomo Pellizzari is a writer, sports journalist and communication consultant. He was editorial director of Sky TV’s “Bike Channel”. He writes the “Rock Roads” column in the monthly magazine “Cyclist”. His blog “Confessioni di un ciclista pericoloso” is a favourite read for cyclists. His books on cycling include Il carattere del ciclista (UTET), Generazione Peter Sagan (66thand2nd), and Il ciclista curioso (Rizzoli), co-authored with national cycling manager Davide Cassani. He wrote the ‘Giro d'Italia’ entry in Treccani’s Libro dell’Anno 2017. His latest book is La mappa del pirata (Cairo, 2024). His works have been translated into German and Dutch.

Giacomo Pellizzari

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