Alberto Rollo
Alberto Rollo was born in Milan in 1951. With his narrative debut Un'educazione milanese (Manni Editori, 2016) he was Finalist at the Premio Strega 2017. He edited the collection of short stories Che cosa ho in testa (Baldini+Castoldi) and introduced the new edition of Franco Fortini's Verifica dei poteri (Il Saggiatore). In 2020 he published the monologue in verse L'ultimo turno di guardia (Manni Editori). After working for more than twenty years at Feltrinelli and as editorial director at Baldini+Castoldi, he is currently an editorial consultant for Mondadori fiction. He was co-editor of “Linea d’Ombra” and has collaborated with many other magazines. He has written for the theater, made TV documentaries and translated numerous English and American authors. His latest novel is Billy il cane (Ponte alle Grazie, 2024).